Global Settings: Logging

Use the System Logging Level pane to set the SOTI Connect logging level. The system log files receive information based on the logging level.

System Logging Level

Debug Use this level for determining the root cause of system issues. This level records the most information to the system log files and should not be selected under regular operating conditions.
Information Records information, warning, error and fatal messages to the system log files.
Warning Records warning, error and fatal messages to the system log files.
Error Records error and fatal messages to the system log files.
Fatal Records only fatal messages to the system log files.
Off Turns off logging within SOTI Connect.

Use the Syslog pane to configure sending system logs to 3rd party servers.


Enable Syslog Enable this option to set up 3rd party system logging.
Protocol Select the protocol type to use.
Server Address Enter your server address and port.
Message Format Select the message format.
Message Template Use macros to setup the message output. Select the cog icon for a selectable list of available options.

See Configuring System Logging Settings for more details on how to set logging level for your SOTI Connect environment.