Adding Signal Policy Actions

About this task

Use actions to execute activities according to policy conditions. Signal policies may contain one or more actions.


  1. From the Actions step of the Signal wizard, select Add Action.
  2. Select one of the following from the Action list:
    Send Script
    Note: This selection only applies to conditions that include managed devices.

    Send the following types of scripts to devices when the action triggers:

    • Legacy
    • JavaScript
    • PowerShell 32-bit Compatibility
    • PowerShell Native
    Choose a script from Execute Following Script, then select its delivery method.
    Note: The Execute Following Script list populates from the Manage Scripts dialog box, containing previously saved scripts. See Manage Scripts and Sending Scripts to Devices.
    Send Email

    Send an email alert to recipients indicating the policy triggered. Add email contacts to the To, CC, and BCC fields by separating the addresses with a semicolon and no space between them.

    Use the Macro button in the Subject and Message text fields to add dynamic information, such as Device ID or Policy Name to the email.

    Send Message

    Send a message directly to devices that the policy triggered. You can limit the Display Duration of the message on the devices and choose a Type of message, such as Error or Warning.

    Relocate Device

    Automatically relocate devices that triggered the policy from their current device group to another of your choice.

    Trigger Alert

    Drive an alert to the SOTI MobiControl Notification Panel.

    Use the Macro button in the Alert Title and Message text fields to add dynamic information such as Device ID or Policy Name to the alert.

    Trigger Webhook Send automated JSON or XML data to a URL when the policy triggers. From Webhook, select a predefined webhook. Give a Subject for the destination URL, and select the Source Attributes to include in the payload data.
    Note: You can define webhooks in Global Settings > Services > Webhook.
    Tip: See Using Signal Policies to Trigger Webhook Actions for information on how to use a signal policy to trigger a webhook.
    CAUTION: Use caution when applying platform-agnostic actions such as Send Email or Trigger Alert to ensure they are not applied too often. For example, a policy with two condition groups where either group can frequently be True may result in too many emails or alerts.

    Device-specific actions such as Send Script or Send Message only trigger for the Managed Devices condition group, but can still occur often.
    Note: In a policy with two or more Managed Devices condition groups, device-specific actions only trigger on members of device group(s) in the condition group.
    Note: The Source Names macro shows the object(s) that triggered the action. For example, if the condition triggers when a device enters a geofence, the Source Names macro shows the device name and the location. For example, Device: A0510BAC99B9, geofence: Restricted Zone.

    Signal Wizard Action step with send email option filled in

  3. Select Add to save your action. Add actions as needed.

    Signal Wizard action step with two actions added

  4. Select Next to move to the Scheduling step. See Defining Signal Policy Schedules.