Signal Policy Examples

Review the following Signal Policy examples, which cover use cases for monitoring and actioning devices, location zones, and servers.

See Creating a new Signal Policy for additional information.

Device Roaming Data Monitoring

This example monitors Android devices on the Verizon wireless carrier that have entered a roaming area where additional cellular charges might apply. An email is sent to IT Billing as an action.

Table 1. Condition 1
Category Managed Device
Type Event
Attribute Device is Roaming
Table 2. Condition 2
Category Managed Device
Type Property
Attribute Cellular Carrier
Operator = IS
Value Verizon
Table 3. Condition 3
Category Managed Device
Type Property
Attribute Device Kind
Operator [] IN
Value Android Enterprise, Android Plus

Example Signal conditions for device roaming monitoring

Note: In this example, ALL of these conditions must be met: Device is Roaming AND Cellular Carrier AND Device Kind before the action is triggered.
Table 4. Action 1
Action Send Email
Priority High
Subject Device Is Roaming - Additional Charges Alert
Message %DEVICEID% has entered an area where additional wireless roaming charges may apply.

Example Signal action for device roaming monitoring

Device Connection Policy

This example monitors managed devices and triggers an alert in the SOTI MobiControlNotification Panel and sends a message to the devices if they connect to a specific network.

Table 5. Condition 1
Category Managed Device
Type Property
Attribute IP Address
Value 172.16.16
Table 6. Condition 2
Category Managed Device
Type Property
Attribute Device Family
Operator [] IN
Value Android Plus, Windows Mobile/CE

Example Signal conditions for device network monitoring

Note: In this example, ALL of these conditions must be met: IP Address Contains AND Device Family before the actions are triggered.
Table 7. Action 1
Action Trigger Alert
Alert Title %POLICYNAME%
Message Device Connected to Experimental Network
Table 8. Action 2
Action Send Message
Message Device Connected to Experimental Network
Delivery Method MobiControl Agent
Display Duration 5 Seconds
Type Information

Example Signal action for device network monitoring