Add Azure Directory

About this task

Once you have added conditional access credentials to your Microsoft 365 account, add an Azure directory.


  1. In the Azure Directories table, navigate to Global Settings > Services > Directory and add an Azure Directory with one tenant using Microsoft Single Sign-On.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Enter a name for the Azure Directory.
  4. In the Azure Tenant table, select then enter the same tenant ID as in Conditional Access Integration. Enter the respective Azure Primary Domain and Metadata Endpoint address.
    Note: To find the Metadata Endpoint address, open and log in with an Administrator account. Navigate to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations then select Endpoints. Locate the Federation Metadata document from the right panel.
  5. Select Save.
    Azure Directories Tennant Details Screen
  6. In the Azure Tenant table, select the tenant then select Microsoft Single Sign-On from the list of Applications.
    Azure Directories Single Sign-on screen
  7. Select Save. The Azure Directories table now displays the new directory.
    Note: If you upgraded this SOTI MobiControl instance from one with Microsoft 365 conditional access for shared device single sign-on using Microsoft Authenticator, you must give consent for extra required permissions. A consent form appears when you select Save to finish adding the Azure directory connection. If the consent workflow fails, edit the azure directory connection and select Save again.
    The new directory appears on the list of Azure directories