Creating a New Report

Before you begin

To use this feature, you must have System Administrator permissions or the following:
  • Operational Intelligence access
  • Manage profiles permissions to create reports for specific device profiles
  • Manage battery pools permissions to create reports for specific battery pools

See Configuring Roles and Permissions.

About this task

Use this procedure to create operational intelligence reports for analysis profiles and battery pools.


  1. From the main menu, select Operational Intelligence.
  2. Adjust the dashboard filters to display the data you need:
    • Search criteria
    • Device groups
    • Date range
    • Shift (where applicable)
    • Visible charts
    • Chart cascades
    See Device Analysis Dashboards for more information.
  3. From the Report list, select More.
  4. Select Save. The Save Report dialog opens.
  5. In the Name field, give a brief descriptive name for your report.
  6. Select Save.


Your report is available for use in the Report list.