Adding Windows Notification Services (WNS) Credentials in SOTI MobiControl

This procedure describes how to complete the WNS setup by adding your credentials into the SOTI MobiControl web console.

About this task

To add your WNS credentials to SOTI MobiControl:


  1. Login into SOTI MobiControl web console and go to Menu > Global Settings > Windows > Windows Notification Service.

    The Windows Notification Service page of SOTI Mobicontrol Global Settings
  2. Toggle on Enable Windows Notification Service. If this toggle is not on, SOTI MobiControl will only communicate with devices when they check in at their scheduled times.
  3. Enter the credentials copied earlier. Make sure to add ms-app:// before the Package SID.

    Example Package Family Name (PFN): 6622sgjacob.wnstestsoti_5tgw0nrezd0nr

    Example Package SID: ms-app://S-1-15-2-2473147811-2483033814-607918765-1944614724-2449341835-3926552488- 1446236274

    Example Secret: pD18Q~zQ~i9ejaRVBU2ILmcDYRxgXbz_xhl1TbDg

    SOTI MobiControl Windows Notification Service panel showing Package SID, Client Secret, and Package Family Name
  4. Select Save. Windows Notification Service is now configured.