Uploading a File to the Content Library

Before you begin

Each file in the Content Library must be less than 2 GB.

About this task

Upload files to the Content Library.


  1. There are several ways to reach the Content Library. In this example, select Main Menu > Policies > Alerts. The legacy console opens.
  2. From either the Android Plus or Apple platform tab, select the Content Library tab.
  3. From Folders and Files, select Upload New Files. The File Upload dialog box opens (see File Upload).
    Note: You can also drag files directly from your file explorer into the Content Library to open the File Upload dialog box.
    File Upload window
  4. From Select the location where the files will be uploaded, choose the library to store the files.
  5. Select Add to browse through your file system to select a new file or files.
  6. Optional: You can use categories to label the files you upload. To add a category, enter its name and select Add.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Set the following for the selected file or files.
    Effective Date Set a date for when the file selection goes into effect.
    Expiry Date Set a date for when the file selection expires.
    Note: Files with expiration dates are unavailable to device users after the date passes.
    Delivery Method Choose a file delivery method.
    Choose from:
    • On Demand
    • Push
      • WiFi
      • Ethernet (macOS only)
      • Cellular (Android or iOS only)
        • While Roaming
    Note: These settings are available for iOS only.
    SOTI MobiControl defaults to the most secure file settings. You may permit some file uses.
    Choose from:
    • Allow Sharing
    • Allow Cut/Paste
    File Description Enter a description about the file selection upload.
  9. Select Finish to upload the file(s) to the deployment server.


Uploaded files appear in the main Folders and Files section of the Content Library.