Adding an Exchange Email Server

About this task

This section describes how to add a Microsoft Exchange email server to SOTI MobiControl.

Before you begin

  • You must have access to your Microsoft Azure account portal to obtain your Azure ID and Azure Organization Name.
  • You must sign in to the SOTI MobiControl instance with administrator permissions.


To add an Exchange email server
  1. From the main menu, select Global Settings > Services > Email Servers.
  2. Select the Add icon.
    Exchange email add
  3. In the Add Exchange Server Connection panel, enter a Server Name and select Generate and Download to download a MobiControl Public Key.
    Exchange email generate key
    Once the key has downloaded, the Public Key Expiration Date field populates. The downloaded key is used in subsequent steps.
Upload the key on the Azure portal
  1. Sign in to your Azure portal account and select Upload Certificate.
    Exchange email upload cert1
    At the top-right, enter a description and select Add at the bottom-right of the screen.
  2. Select the Overview tab.
    exchange email upload clientid1
  3. In the overview panel, copy the Application (client) ID field.
    exchange email upload clientid2
Complete the addition of the server on the SOTI MobiControl web console.
  1. Return to the Add Exchange Server Connection panel in SOTI MobiControl.
    exchange email added
  2. In the Azure Application ID field, paste the Application (client) ID.
  3. Enter the Azure Organization Name
  4. Leave all other default values and select Done.


The new Microsoft Exchange email server appears in the Email Servers panel.

exchange email created