Feature Control (Android Enterprise Work Managed)

Use this dialog box to configure individual device features when:

Device Functionality


Allow Camera When enabled, device user can use the camera.
Note: If disabled, all apps in the Work profile are prevented from launching the camera.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Allow Screen Capture When enabled, device users can save images or recordings of the device's display.
Allow Factory Reset When enabled, device users can erase all applications, settings and data from the phone's internal storage.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Safe Boot When enabled, devices can be rebooted into safe boot mode. All third-party software is disabled in safe boot.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Smart Lock When enabled, device users can use Smart Lock on Android which allows devices to unlock without a password when they are within 'safe' places that the device user sets.

If the Allow All Keyguard Features feature control option is enabled, Allow Smart Lock is automatically enabled too.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Allow SMS When enabled, the device can send and receive SMS.
Stay Awake while Charging Determines who controls if the device remains awake while it is charging.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device user can decide if device stays awake or goes to sleep while it is charging
  • Disable: Device goes to sleep while it is charging (the device user can wake it up)
  • Enable: Device stays awake while it is charging (and device user cannot put it sleep)
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Status Bar When enabled, the status bar can be expanded to view the details of device notifications.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Allow Keyguard Camera When enabled, the device user can launch the camera app from the lock screen.

If Allow All Keyguard Features is enabled, Allow Keyguard Camera is automatically enabled too.

Allow Microphone When enabled, the device user can use the device microphone to record audio.
Allow Airplane Mode When enabled, device users can turn on Airplane mode on the device.

Requires Android 9.0 or later.

Allow Ambient Display When enabled, device users can turn on the Ambient Display feature.

Requires Android 9.0 or later.

Allow Device Volume When enabled, the volume settings are visible to and changeable by the device user.

Requires Android 9.0 or later.

Allow Printing When enabled, device users can use the device's printing capabilities.

Requires Android 9.0 or later.

Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.


Allow Certificate Management When enabled, device users can modify stored credentials (certificates) in the device's settings.
Allow App Management When enabled, device users can modify or uninstall apps (and app data). This includes disabling the ability to force close an app, clear app data, app caches, and app default launch settings.
Allow Outgoing Cellular Phone Calls When enabled, device users cannot initiate outbound calls. Internet or Voice-over-IP (VoIP) are not blocked.
Allow Skip App First Use Hints

When enabled, when a supported app launches for the first time, it skips any introductory hints or tutorials.

Note: Not available on Android 11 COPE devices.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Location Accuracy Determines the accuracy of the location reporting data and who controls that accuracy.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device user sets the level of accuracy for the location reporting of their device
  • Disable: Location Services are turned off for the entire device and device users are unable to switch it back on
  • High Accuracy: Location services are set to "High Accuracy Mode" and use GPS, WiFi, and Cellular Network for location data. Device user cannot modify the setting
  • GPS Only: Location services are set to "Device only" mode and uses GPS for location data. Device user cannot modify the setting
  • Battery Saving: Location services are set to "Battery Saving" Mode" and uses WiFi and Cellular networks for location data. Device user cannot modify the setting
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Date Time Management When enabled, device users can modify the date time, and timezone settings on the device.

Available on Android 9.0 or later.

Allow Screen Timeout Management When enabled, device users can configure screen timeout settings on the device.

Available on Android 9.0 or later.

Note: Not available on Android 11 COPE devices.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Brightness Configuration Management When enabled, device users can configure brightness settings on the device.

Available on Android 9.0 or later.

Note: Not available on Android 11 COPE devices.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.


Network Connections

Allow Tethering Management When enabled, device users can modify their device's tethering (sharing a mobile device's data connection with another device) settings.

Available on Managed Device only.

Allow Bluetooth Management When enabled, device users can modify their device's Bluetooth settings.

Available on Managed Device only.

Allow WiFi Management When enabled, device users can modify WiFi configurations in their device's settings.

Available on Managed Device only.

  • Allowed: Users can modify the device's WiFi configurations.
  • Restricted: Users can only modify the device's Wifi configurations that was not created by SOTI MobiControl.
    Note: Restricted is not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
  • None: Users cannot modify the device's WiFi configurations.
Allow VPN Management When enabled, device users can modify their device's VPN settings.

Available on Managed Device only.

Allow Network Settings Reset When enabled, device users can reset their network configurations from their device's settings.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Available on Managed Device only.

Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Minimum WiFi Security Level Set the minimum WiFi Security Level that the device can connect to. For example, if you set the minimum WiFi security level to WPA, the device would not be able to connect to a WEP network.

Available on Managed Device only.

Data Roaming Determines who controls the data roaming settings on the device.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device user can choose whether to turn on or off data roaming on the device
  • Disable: Data roaming is disabled on the device and device user cannot turn it back on
  • Enable: Data roaming is enabled on the device and device user cannot turn it off
    Note: Enable is not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.

Available on Managed Device only.

Bluetooth Determines who has control over the Bluetooth setting of the device.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device user can switch Bluetooth setting on or off
  • Disable: Bluetooth is disabled on device and device user cannot enable it
  • Enable: Bluetooth is enabled on device and device user cannot disable it
    Note: Enable is not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.

Available on Managed Device only.

WiFi Determines who controls the WiFi connection.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device user can switch networks and turn WiFi connectivity on and off
  • Disable: WiFi connectivity is completely disabled
  • Enable: WiFi connectivity is active but cannot be turned off by the device user

Available on Managed Devices only

Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.


Security Options

Allow All Keyguard Features When enabled, device users can use keyguard features on the lockscreen. Keyguard features include fingerprint authentication, viewing of notifications, smart lock access and camera access. Enabling Allow All Keyguard Features automatically enables the other keyguard feature control options.
Allow Fingerprint Authentication When enabled, device users can use Google's fingerprint authentication framework to secure their devices.

If the Allow All Keyguard Features feature control option is enabled, Allow Fingerprint Authentication automatically enables too.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Allow All Keyguard Notifications When enabled, all notifications on secure lock screens are visible.

If the Allow All Keyguard Features feature control option is enabled, Allow All Notifications automatically enables too.

Allow Account Creation Specify whether device users can add new accounts to the device. Choose an option from the list:
  • All: allows the creation of any type of account, Google accounts included
  • All Accounts except Google Account: allows the creation of non-Google accounts
  • No Accounts: prevents device users from creating any new accounts on the device

This does not remove any existing accounts from the device.

All is selected by default.

Note: For AMAPI-enrolled devices, No Accounts is the only option available.
Allow Doze Mode When enabled, allows the device to restrict the SOTI MobiControl Android agent for battery optimization.
Note: Disabling this option negates any battery optimizations provided by doze mode and uses additional battery power to stay connected.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Always On VPN Direct all network traffic on the device through a specified VPN.

Enter the package name of the VPN app.

Allow All System UI When enabled, system UI alerts appear to device users. This includes toast messages, phone activities (including priority) system alerts, system errors and system overlays.

Available on Managed Devices only.

Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow Verify Apps Enforcement When enabled, the device user can change the Scan device for security threats option within the Play Protect settings of the Google Play Store.
Perform SafetyNet Check on Device Check-in When enabled, the SafetyNet check is performed on the device at every device check in, in addition to once daily.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.

Data Protection

Allow Sensitive Notifications When enabled, notifications from Android Enterprise Apps display all their details when they appear on secure lock screens.

If the Allow All Keyguard Features feature control option is enabled, Allow Sensitive Notifications automatically enables too.

Android OS compatibility: 6.0 or later.

Allow Uninstallation of Managed Applications When enabled, device users can uninstall any managed applications.
Allow Third Party Input Methods When enabled, device users can enable additional third-party input methods such as keyboards on their devices.
Allow Caller ID Information for Work Profile Contacts When enabled, device user can see Caller ID information for calls from contacts saved within the Work profile.
Allow Installation from Unknown Sources When enabled, device users can install apps that are not from the Google Play store.
Allow Multi-User Control When enabled, device users can add secondary users or remove previously added secondary users.
Allow Mounting Physical External Media When enabled, device users can mount physical external media (including SD cards) to their devices.
Note: This does not disable external media through the device's charging port. To accomplish that, use Allow USB File Transfer and USB Storage.
Allow Outgoing NFC When enabled, devices users can use NFC to send data (only applies to apps in the Work Profile).
Note: For AMAPI-enrolled devices, this option does not impact the NFC option under Settings. Disabling Outgoing NFC impacts the file transfer process via the Android Beam only for the Work profile and not for the Personal profile.
USB Debugging Determines who controls the device's ability to enter USB Debugging Mode.
  • Allow User to Configure: Device can enter and exit USB Debugging Mode at any point
  • Disable: Device user can never enter USB Debugging Mode
  • Enable: Device use can enter USB Debugging Mode
    Note: Enable is not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.
Allow USB File Transfer and USB Storage When enabled, device users can transfer data using a USB connection or save to a USB storage device.

This option is enabled by default.

Note: For AMAPI-enrolled devices, the 'usbMassStorageEnabled' property is deprecated.
Allow Backup Service When enabled, device users can turn control whether the backup service (which managers both backup and restore services) is turned on or off.
Note: Not supported for AMAPI-enrolled devices.

Policy Messaging

Restriction Policy

Enter the message that should appear to device users when they try to perform an action blocked by feature control.

Note: If you leave this field empty, the following default message appears to device users: This action is disabled by SOTI MobiControl. Contact your organization's administrator to learn more.

Android OS compatibility: 7.0 or later.

Device Admin Description

Enter the description that should appear if the user presses the more prompt on the restriction policy.

Android OS compatibility: 7.0 or later.