Creating a Profile

About this task

Send device settings and software to your device through Profiles.

To create a profile:


  1. In the console, select the main menu button then select Profiles from the dropdown menu to enter the Profiles view.
  2. Select the New Profile button in the top-right corner then select a platform from the Create Profile dialog box. The Android Plus, Apple and Windows platforms have subcategories of device types. Hover over each platform icon to see more specific device types.
    You can only create profiles for a single platform at a time.
  3. On the General tab, enter a name and description for the profile. The name and description are visible to the device user.
    In the future, this is where basic information about the profile appears.
  4. Note: You can create profiles that have only configurations or only packages. You do not need to include both.
    Move to the Configurations tab and select the Add Configuration button.
    A list of all the profiles available for that device type appears.
  5. Select a profile configuration and adjust it as needed.
    Profile configurations can differ drastically in requirements. For information on specific configurations, see Profile Configurations.
  6. Repeat for other profile configurations you want to add.
    Note: Some profile configurations have dependencies that prevent you from installing the profile unless both are on the device. For example, you cannot assign a Lockdown profile configuration if there is no Authentication profile configuration inside the profile.
  7. Move to the Packages tab and select the Add Package button.
  8. Add a package to the profile.
    • If the package is already uploaded to SOTI MobiControl, select it from the Packages list then select Add to Profile.
    • If the package is not uploaded to SOTI MobiControl yet, select Add and Browse to the location of the .pcg (or .apk for Android) file you want to add to the profile. Select Upload.
    Be sure you select the correct package version.
  9. Repeat for other packages you want to add to the profile. Use the arrows to change the order that packages install.
  10. Optional: If you want the packages installed in a specific order, select Action > Define Package Dependencies beside each package that requires installation of another first.
    1. Select On to set the dependency.
    2. Select Save.
  11. Select Save and Assign to assign the profile to your devices immediately or Save to save the profile and assign it later.


You have finished creating a profile. All profiles are visible in the Profiles view.