Dynamic URLs

You can add variables to URLs and create dynamic links that change depending on which device opens the link. Simply insert the variable where you want it to be replaced by a real value and send the link to a device. Variables can be either custom attributes or macros.

Note: This capability is only available in the SOTI Surf app on Android Plus devices with a device agent of 14.0.0 or later.

Custom Attributes

Imagine that you added a custom attribute to your devices to indicate their store location. Each store has a store number and devices in the same store have the same value for the Store custom attribute.

An example dynamic URL would look like this: https://website.com/kiosk?store=%CustomAttr:StoreNumber% and transform into https://website.com/kiosk?store=1234 when opened by a device located in store 1234 and https://website.com/kiosk?store=9876 when opened by a device located in store 9876.

For more information on custom attributes, see Using Custom Attributes.


The following macros are supported in dynamic URLs:

  • %MAC%

An example dynamic URL that uses the %DEVICEID% macro would look like this: https://webapp.companyname.com/%DEVICEID% and transform into https://webapp.companyname.com/2802d8g762xz when opened by a device with the device ID 2802d8g762xz and https://webapp.companyname.com/4864d8t461et when opened by a device with the device ID 4864d8t461et

For more information on macros, see Using Macros in SOTI MobiControl.