Accessing Real-Time and Historical SOTI Hub Device Usage Data

Allow device users to view real-time and historical SOTI Hub device usage data. Whenever a file is downloaded on the device using the configured SOTI Hub repository, the SOTI Hub application starts collecting information and stores it in the application's local database. Based on the Data Sync Frequency period configured in the SOTI Hub profile, the SOTI Hub Agent sends the collected data to the SOTI MobiControl Server using the communication protocol. The collected data is stored in the SOTI MobiControl database. The minimum Data Sync Frequency value you can configure is one hour. SOTI MobiControl administrators can generate the reports under the Global Reports section to validate all the downloaded, accessed, or read files along with the associated device, file, and repository information.

To set the Data Sync Frequency period, use the SOTI Hub profile configuration: SOTI Hub Settings > Application Settings > Hub Device Report.