
The Printing profile configuration enables you to add new printers and select the default printer, printer access, and footer options. You do this when:

Printer List

This section lists the printers that have been added. Use this section to add a new printer to the list, edit an existing printer, delete a printer from the list, and set the default printer.

Default Printer Select which printer in the list you want to make the default printer.
Add a Printer Click the Add button the open the Printer Details dialog box in which you can enter the information for a new printer.

To edit the information for a printer in the list, click on the printer name to open the Printer Details dialog box.

to delete a printer from the list, click the printer's delete icon.


Use this section to select user access options for printers.

Allow User to Modify Printer List Select this option to enable the user to modify the list of printers.
Allow Printers that Connect Directly to User's Computer Select this option to enable printers to connect automatically to the device.
Require an Administrator Password Select this option to require the user to enter an administrator password to select a printer.
Only Show Managed Printers Select this option to show only managed printers in list of printers available to device.


Use this section to select page footer options.

Print Page Footer (User Name and Date) Select this option to print the user name and date in the document footer.
Include MAC Address Select this option to include the device's MAC address in the document footer.
Font Name Select the font family used for printing the document footer.
Font Size Select the font size used for printing the document footer.