
The Extensions profile configuration enables you to configure allowed extensions on macOS devices when:

Note: Requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Allowed Extensions

Use this section to enter the bundle identifier of extensions that are allowed to run, on a per extension point basis. All extensions from extension points without a configured allowed list will be allowed to run.

Extension Points

Use this section to specify whether you want to allow or disallow all extension point, or disallow particular extension points.

  • Disallow all extension points: Disallow the extensions in all extension points.
  • Allow all extension points: Allow the extensions in all extension points.
  • Disallow some extension points: Disallow the extensions in selected extension points.

Disabled Extensions

Use this section to enter the bundle identifier of extensions you want to disable.

Note: This section appears only when Allow all extension points or Disallow some extension points is selected in the Extension Points section.