Login Items

The Login Items profile configuration enables you to control the behavior of devices at launch when:


Add Network Home Share Point Select this option to enable a device user's network home folder to be located in a shared folder on the server.
Press Shift to Prevent Items From Opening Select this option to allow the user to hold the shift key upon login to prevent items from opening.


Use this section to specify applications you want to be launched when the user logs in.

Click Add to add a new application to the list. Enter the full pathname of the application you want to add. For example: /Applications/Contacts.app.

Files and Folders

Use this section to specify files and folders you want to be launched when the user logs in. Files are opened in the application that is associated with the file type.

Click Add to add a new file or folder to the list. Enter the full pathname of the file or folder you want to add.

Authenticated Network Mounts

Use this section to specify which network mounts to authenticate with the user's login name and password. Use Active Directory credentials for user login.

Click Add to add a new network mount to the list. Enter the full mount path and volume, including protocol. For example: smb://server.example.com/volume.

Network Mounts

Use this section to specify which volumes to mount at login. Use Active Directory credentials for user login.

Click Add to add a new mount volume to the list. Enter the full mount path and volume, including protocol. For example: smb://server.example.com/volume.