
The Accessibility profile configuration allows you to configure accessibility options on the device when:

Once applied, device users will not be able to modify the accessibility settings.


Enable Zoom via ScrollWheel When enabled, device users can adjust the magnification of their screen using the mouse scroll wheel or trackpad.
Enable Zoom via Keyboard When enabled, device users can adjust the magnification of their screen using the keyboard.
Maximum Zoom Specify the maximum level of magnification when zooming in or out rapidly.
Note: Maximum Zoom must be set higher than Minimum Zoom
Minimum Zoom Specify the minimum level of magnification when zooming in or out rapidly.
Note: Minimum Zoom must be set lower than Maximum Zoom
Show Preview Rectangle When Zoomed Out When enabled, a preview of the magnified area is displayed in a rectangle that shows the center point of the zoom. The preview rectangle can be dragged over other areas to zoom.
Smooth Images When enabled, magnified images appear with smooth lines.
Note: This option is enabled by default.
Invert Colors When enabled, the colors of the display are inverted.
Note: Inverting display colors can assist users with a sensitivity to brightness or color blindness or low vision.
Use Grayscale When enabled, the display is rendered in grayscale.
Enhance Contrast Specify the level of contrast for the screen.
Cursor Size Specify the size of the cursor.
Enable VoiceOver When enabled, the VoiceOver feature is enabled. VoiceOver reads the content displayed on the screen aloud.


Flash Screen When Alert Occurs When enabled, the screen flashes when an alert occurs.
Play Stereo Audio as Mono When enabled, stereo audio plays as mono audio.


Enable Sticky Keys When enabled, the Sticky Keys functionality is activated. Sticky Keys allows device users to enter key combinations such as Ctrl+N in succession rather than simultaneously.
Beep When a Modifier Key is Set When enabled, a beep will sound whenever a modifier key is set while in Sticky Keys mode.
Note: Enable Sticky Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Display Pressed Keys on Screen When enabled, pressed keys will appear on the screens while in Sticky Keys mode.
Note: Enable Sticky Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Enable Slow Keys When enabled, the Slow Keys functionality is activated. Slow Keys delays keystrokes from registering until a certain period of time has passed.
Use Click Key Sounds When enabled, keys will generate a sound when pressed and another sound when accepted.
Note: Enable Slow Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Acceptance Delay Set the time delay (in milliseconds) between initial key press and key acceptance.
Note: Enable Slow Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Enable Mouse Keys When enabled, device users can navigate the screen using the keypad or numeric keypad.
Initial Delay (Seconds) Determine how quickly the cursor begins moving when the device user presses a key.
Note: Mouse Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Maximum Speed Set the maximum speed at which the cursor can move.
Note: Mouse Keys must be enabled to use this feature.
Ignore Built-in Trackpad When enabled, the device will ignore any input provided by the built-in trackpad.
Note: Mouse Keys must be enabled to use this feature.