Email: POP3 Account (macOS)

The POP3 Account email configuration enables you to configure POP3 account settings for your devices when:

Account Description

Account Description Enter a description of your organization's account.
Account Name Enter the account name of your organization.

Incoming Server

Server Enter the IP address or hostname, and (optionally) the incoming mail port number, of the POP3 email server.
Note: This field is case sensitive.
Use SSL This option allows the end user to select whether or not SSL is used for communication with the email server.
User Enter the user name associated with your email account. Supports macros.
Authentication Type Select the type of authentication to be used for this account. Options are:
  • None
  • Password
  • MD5 Challenge-Response
  • NTLM
  • HTTP MD5 Digest
Password Enter the account password here.
Email Configuration Enter the email address associated with the email account. Supports macros.

Outgoing Server

Server Enter the IP address or hostname, and (optionally) the port number, of the SMTP server.
Note: This field is case sensitive.
Use SSL This option allows the end user to select whether or not SSL is used for communication with the email server.
User Enter the user name associated with your email account. Auto and Use Incoming Server Password/Phrase is selected by default. This option will use the information provided in the Incoming Server settings automatically for outgoing email.
Authentication Type Select the type of authentication to be used for this account. Options are:
  • None
  • Password
  • MD5 Challenge-Response
  • HTTP MD5 Digest
  • NTLM
Use Incoming Server Password/Phrase Use same password/phrase for incoming and outgoing server.
Password Enter the account password here.