Overview of SOTI XSight Architecture

This section provides an overview of the SOTI XSight architecture, as well as information about how to set up SOTI XSight.

SOTI XSight integrates with SOTI MobiControl for:

  • license management
  • authentication and authorization
  • role management
  • user lookups and support email processing
  • retrieval of device and device group information
  • setting up remote control, Linux terminal and web console connections
  • data collection from devices

The diagram below shows a simple on-premise setup of SOTI XSight that is co-located with SOTI MobiControl.

SOTI XSight architecture overview

Core Components

Component Function
SOTI XSight Service A Windows service that hosts the SOTI XSight Web Console
Tunnel Service A Windows service that provides functionality to access the command-line terminal and administrative web console on Linux devices
SOTI XSight Agent Service A Windows service that is responsible for communicating with the SOTI XSight Agent in order to receive collected data and send agent configurations
SOTI XSight Agent A mobile application that collects data and runs data analysis on mobile devices
XT Sock Smart Battery Plugin An OEM-specific plugin that collects smart battery data from devices and reports it to the SOTI XSight agent.
SOTI XSight Services A service hosted by SOTI that provides licensing and supplies device skins for remote control
SOTI XSight Database A database that stores all data related to incident management, general configurations, user preferences and authorization
SOTI XSight Chat Service A service hosted by SOTI that provides Chat and Live Support services between a user and a support technician. SeeUsing Live Support.
SOTI XSight Chat Database A database that stores all data related to Chat and Live Support services.
SOTI XSight Cook Database A database that stores data collected from the Agents, SOTI MobiControl device and device group reference information, as well as configuration information for device agents
SOTI XSight DW Database A database that stores all processed and aggregated data for the SOTI XSight Operational Intelligence dashboards

Network Communications

SOTI XSight uses the following ports to communicate between components.

Table 1. Management Service Connections
Component Name Protocol TCP Port(s) Direction
SOTI Services (skinapi.soti.net & sotiassistservices.soti.net) HTTPS 443 Outbound
SOTI XSight Web Console HTTPS 443 Inbound
SOTI XSight IM Database TCP 1433 Outbound
SOTI XSight DW Database TCP 1433 Outbound
SOTI MobiControl Deployment Service TCP 1433 Outbound
Table 2. Agent Service Connections
Component Name Protocol TCP Port(s) Direction
Mobile Client: SOTI XSight Agent TCP (comm) 5493 Inbound
SOTI XSight Cook Database TCP 1433 Outbound
Table 3. Chat Service Connections
Component Name Protocol TCP Port(s) Direction
SOTI XSight Agent HTTPS, Web Socket 443 Inbound
SOTI XSight Web Console HTTPS, Web Socket 443 Inbound
SOTI XSight Chat Database TCP 1433 Outbound
Table 4. Tunnel Service Connections
Component Name Protocol TCP Port(s) Direction
SOTI MobiControl Deployment Server TCP 5494 Outbound
SOTI MobiControl Management Service HTTPS 443 Outbound
SOTI XSight Management Server HTTPS 443 Inbound
SOTI XSight Web Console HTTPS, Web Socket 443 Inbound