Tags Settings

Create predefined and user defined tags that you can add to an incident. You can then use the tags to categorize and search for incidents.

Predefined Tags

About this task

You can create tags and tag groups to organize the tags. The tags you create in this section are available to both administrators and non-administrators in the Tag field in the Incident Details view.

To define a new tag or tag group, select the Add button button.

To require at least one predefined tag on incidents before they can be resolved, select the Is required to resolve an incident option.

Note: You can add predefined and user defined tags to incidents, even if you are not an administrator.


User Defined Tags

About this task

This section displays the tags created by administrators, along with tags created by non-administrators in the Tag field in the incident details view.

To let non-administrators define new tags in the Incident Details view, select Allow User Defined Tags to Be Created On the Incident Page.

To define a new tag in this section, select the Add button button.

Note: You can add predefined and user defined tags to incidents, even if you are not an administrator.
