Outbound Email

Use the Outbound Email tab of the Group view to define or edit settings for a group's outbound emails.

Note: To send and receive emails through Office 365 integration, you need to configure, and obtain information from, Microsoft Exchange Server. For details, see Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server.

Outbound emails are sent by SOTI XSight to the incident reporter and assignee when an incident is created or updated.

Outbound Email

Server Type Select the outbound email server type from the drop-down list: "SMTP" or "Office 365." Most fields in this section change depending on the server type you have selected.
Sender's Name Appears for "SMTP." Enter the name to appear in the From field of emails. For example: "SOTI Support."
Sender's Email Enter the address to send emails from. For example, "support@soti.net."
Host Appears for "SMTP." Enter the hostname of the SMTP server to send emails.
Port Appears for "SMTP." Enter the port used to send emails.
Note: The default SMTP port is 25.
Use SSL Appears for "SMTP." Toggle on to use secure communication with the SMTP server.

If you select this option and the SMTP server does not support SMTPS, sending an email from the incident details view returns an error.

If you do not select this option, communication is secured using transport layer security if it is available on the SMTP server. If it is not available, the communication is not secured.
Authentication Appears for "SMTP." Select the method to authenticate on the SMTP server: None (default) or Login.
Username Appears for "SMTP." If you selected the Login authentication option, enter the username to authenticate on the SMTP server.
Password Appears for "SMTP." If you selected the Login authentication option, enter the password to authenticate on the SMTP server.
Client ID Appears for "Office 365." Enter the Client ID value you have obtained when registering with Microsoft.
Tenant ID Appears for "Office 365." Enter your Microsoft Tenant ID.
Client Secret String Appears for "Office 365." Paste the Client Secret value you obtained when registering with Microsoft.
Test Settings After saving changes, select this button to send a test email using the current configuration. Errors (if any) display on the screen.