Installing SOTI Connect

Before you begin

Tip: Close the Windows Services and Task Manager applications before performing installation-related activities.

About this task

This procedure describes installing a new installation of SOTI Connect.


  1. Extract the SOTI Connect installation package (.zip file) to a temporary folder.
  2. In the temporary folder, double-click the installer (SOTI Connect Installer.exe). Confirm that you grant the installer permission to make changes to your system when prompted.
  3. In the installer, choose Install Connect components and select Next.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard
  4. For the installation type, choose Typical and select Next.
    SOTI Connect Setup Wizard - Typical
  5. In the Management Service configuration step, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as shown:
    Management Service configuration with the FQDN entered
    Note: To find the FQDN, right-click Computer in the File Explorer and select Properties. The FQDN is the full device name.
    Screen showing the FQDN
  6. Select whether you want to import a root certificate from an existing file or generate a new one. Then select Next.
    Note: Select Export certificate to export the generated root certificate for later use while installing more than one Management Service (MS) instances.
  7. For HTTPS communication, you need a server certificate. Select one of the following options and select Next.
    Generate server certificate from Connect Root certificate Select this option to generate and use another certificate from the same root certificate used in step 6.
    Upload a PKCS#12 server certificate (.PFX) Select this option if you have a certificate file you want to use (for example, one you purchased from a trusted certificate authority).
    Use a previously installed server certificate from the Windows Certificate Store Select this option if the certificate you want to use is already installed in the Windows trusted store and you know its thumbprint value. This method enables you to specify a password-protected certificate without knowing the password.
    Server Certificates
  8. On the File Store Service configuration screen, enter the File Store (FS) hostname, Logging Service network address and port numbers. If you want to change the FS file system location, select Browse to use a local file storage or shared network location path. For setting up a shared network drive, see Setting Up a Shared Network Location and select Next.
    Note: For all-in-one installation scenarios, there is no need to enter the FS hostname network address and port numbers. They are pre-filled with the information entered for the MS.
    Configure File Store Service
  9. On the File Store Service HTTPS Certificate screen.
    • Select Generate server certificate from Connect Root certificate. In this case, the MS root certificate (either custom or auto generated) generates the HTTP certificate and used as the FS HTTP root certificate. This option is available only on setups with both FS and MS installed.
    • Select Generate server certificate from uploaded root certificate file to upload a custom root HTTP certificate for server HTTP certificate generation and later for validation.
    • Select Upload server certificate and corresponding root certificate as files to upload the HTTP root certificate and HTTP server certificate. Use this option if your certificate is from a trusted certificate authority.
    • Select Load server certificate and corresponding root certificate from the trust store to upload the HTTP root certificate and HTTP server certificate. Use this option if the certificate you want to use is already installed in the Windows trusted store and you know its thumbprint value.
    Configure File Store Service HTTPS Certificate

    To update HTTPS certificates, see File Store Service (FS).

  10. Enter the REST Protocol Adapter details and the network address of the webhook receiver host and select Next.
    Configure Webhook Receiver
  11. On Configure MQTT Protocol Adapter screen, the management service network address and logging service network address are pre-filled with information. The connection addresses and ports in this panel must match the network addresses and ports where these services are listening.
    Configure MQTT Protocol Adapter
  12. Enter the MQTT RPC protocol adapter details and select Next.
    Configure MQTT RPC Protocol Adapter
  13. Enter the SNMP protocol adapter details and select Next.
    Configure SNMP Protocol Adapter
  14. Enter the root installation folder, or accept the default location and select Next.
    Root Folder
  15. Enter the information required to connect to your SQL Server database, including the FQDN name in the Server field and select Next.
    Important: If you have more than one instance of SQL Server or SQL Server Express running on your machine, be sure to select the right one. The connection string in the Server field can vary.
    Tip: Select Windows Authentication if that is how you prefer to connect to the SQL Server database. Note that the SOTI Connect service using the database runs as the LOCAL SYSTEM account. If you select Windows Authentication, make sure that the account running the Management Service (the default LOCAL SYSTEM) has the required privileges in SQL Server.
    Set up SQL Server
    Tip: Select the Test Connection button to check the connection credentials are correct.
  16. Enter the temporary administrator password (you must change it when you log into SOTI Connect for the first time). Select Next.
    Create Administrator User
  17. Select Install to continue the SOTI Connect installation.
    Select Install
  18. Select Finish to complete the SOTI Connect installation.
    Finish Installation
    Troubleshooting: If an error occurs where a service can not start (such as the one shown below), stop any antivirus applications and re-run the installation.

    Can not start service error message.

  19. Select the Open SOTI Connect now link at the bottom of the page.
  20. Log in with the temporary Administrator password you configured in step 16, and accept the License Agreement.
  21. Change your temporary password and select Save.


You have successfully installed SOTI Connect.

Tip: If any problems occur during installation, check the logs. To view the logs, navigate to the installation folder and open the InstallerUI.log file.

What to do next

Use the Watchdog utility (installed with SOTI Connect) to check that SOTI Connect services are running. You must run the utility as an administrator. You can access it from the same directory where you installed SOTI Connect (\Program Files\SOTI\Connect\Soti.IoT.Watchdog\lib\Release\net472\Soti.IoT.Watchdog.exe).