Silent Installer Command Line Parameters

This section outlines key command line parameters often used for silent installation of SOTI Connect:

  • Create a new admin user with specified name and password.
    Note: Available from SOTI Connect version 2024.2 and later.
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe /newadmin "adminUserName" "password"
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe -newadmin "adminUserName" "password"
  • Create a new client ID with a client secret.
    Note: Available from SOTI Connect 2.4.1 and later.
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe /newapiclient "clientid" "clientsecret"
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe  -newapiclient "clientid" "clientsecret"
  • Change the name for a locally installed Protocol Adapter (PA).
    Note: Available from SOTI Connect version 2024.2 and later.
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe /renamepa "paType" "newName" [-restart]
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe -renamepa "paType" "newName" [-restart] 
  • Override configuration to use integrated security to access the database.
    Note: Available from SOTI Connect version 2.5 and later.
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe -databaseIntegratedSecurity
  • Override configuration to use login credentials to access the database.
    Note: Available from SOTI Connect version 2.5 and later.
    Soti.IoT.SilentInstaller.exe -databaseIntegratedSecurity  -databaseHost=aaa -databaseUser=bbb -databasePassword=ccc