Multi-App Kiosk Mode

The Multi-App Kiosk Mode profile configuration restricts device users' access to a set of admin-defined applications. This prevents device users from accessing other applications or device controls while Multi-App Kiosk Mode is active. Applications can be either Modern Windows (.appx) or Classic (.exe) applications. Multi-App Kiosk Mode can apply to:
  • a local device account
  • a domain account
  • a Microsoft account
  • a local group
  • an Active Directory group
  • an Azure Active Directory group.

You do this when:

The Multi-App Kiosk Mode dialog box provides a list of applications to choose from in the Allowed Applications section of the Home Screen tab.

Once assigned the profile, devices must reboot before the Multi-App Kiosk Mode profile configuration takes effect. You should also reboot the device when revoking the profile configuration.


Add Users
Enter the user account where the Multi-App Kiosk Mode profile application applies. Multi-App Kiosk Mode supports local device accounts, domain accounts, Microsoft accounts, local groups, Active Directory groups or Azure Active Directory groups.
  • If using a local account, enter just the username, not the domain.
  • If using a domain account, include the domain with the username (for example, domain\username).
  • If using a Microsoft account, enter the complete email address (for example,
  • If using a Microsoft account with Azure domain join or Azure enrolled devices, enter AzureAD\ followed by the complete email address (for example, AzureAD\ Do not change AzureAD\ to another domain.
  • If using a local group, specify the name of the local group on the device (for example, groupname).
  • If using an Active Directory group, specify the name of the active directory group that the desired users belong to (for example, domain name\group name).
  • If using an Azure Active Directory group, specify the Azure AD Group's 32-character Group Object ID. Obtain the ID from in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Show Taskbar When enabled, the task bar is visible on the device during Kiosk Mode.
Grid Options (Device Dependent) Select the grid layout of the allowed applications.

Home Screen

Allowed Applications

Use this section to select which applications the device user can access while the device is in Multi-App Kiosk Mode.

You can select Available Applications or Custom Applications.

Type Select the type of application from the list:
  • Modern: .appx
  • Classic: .exe
Application For predefined applications, select an application from the list.
Note: You must choose an application type before selecting an application.
Name For custom applications, enter the application name.
User Model ID For predefined applications, selecting an application populates this field.

For custom applications, enter the application's user model ID.

Start Menu

Use this section to configure how the tiles appear in the Start menu. You can add tiles for applications and web pages.

Note: You must first configure applications in the Allowed Applications list.

To add a new menu item, select Add. To edit a menu item's settings, select its name. To remove a menu item from the Start menu, hover over the listed menu item and select Delete.

After adding the start menu items:
  1. Select whether you would like a particular application to auto launch when the user signs into the device.
  2. Select the checkbox in the auto launch column for each Start menu item to start the application after the user signs in.
  3. Select a single Start menu item to automatically launch upon user sign in. By default, the Start menu items do not auto launch.