Preparing an Azure Active Directory (Cloud) Enrollment

Before you begin

This procedure requires the following:

About this task

Add SOTI MobiControl for enrolled Windows Modern device.


  1. Open your Azure Portal (
  2. Select Azure Active Directory.
  3. From the main menu, select Mobility (MDM and MAM). The Mobility (MDM and MAM) window opens.
    The Mobility (MDM and MAM) window.
  4. Select Add application. The Browse Azure AD MDM Gallery opens.
  5. From the list of applications, select SOTI MobiControl. The Permissions Requested window opens.
  6. Select Accept.
    SOTI MobiControl appears in the Mobility (MDM and MAM) window.
  7. From Mobility (MDM and MAM), select SOTI MobiControl. The Configure window opens.
    Configure window settings for SOTI MobiControl
  8. From MDM user scope, select All.
  9. From MDM terms of use URL and MDM discovery URL, enter the information provided by your administrator.
  10. Select Save.


You have added SOTI MobiControl to your Azure Active Directory cloud enrollment.

What to do next

Provide the end users with the terms of use and discovery URLs and instruct them to complete the steps in Performing an Azure Active Directory (Cloud) Enrollment by the User to enroll their devices.