Using Signal Policies


Signal is an advanced monitoring system that tracks the condition of your Windows Mobile and Android managed devices through the criteria you define. When meeting the criteria, it triggers alerts that appear in the SOTI MobiControl notification panel and performs automatic mitigation actions within SOTI MobiControl.
Tip: Set permissions to restrict who views these alerts in the notification panel.
Device events and device property-related conditions are popular categories for monitoring. For example, you could get an alert when meeting the following conditions:
  • (If Available Storage < 1 GB AND Battery Percentage < 20%)

Signal policy Wizard with battery and memory conditions highlighted

The following video offers a quick introduction to adding a new Signal policy:

Note: As of SOTI MobiControl version 15.6 and later, Signal does not support outdoor geofences, device-side schedule and evaluation, or Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs.

Create Signal policies to monitor the following categories of devices, servers, or venues:

  • Managed Device: Devices enrolled in SOTI MobiControl.
  • Management Server: Properties and events related to the SOTI MobiControl Management Server.
  • Deployment Server: Properties and events related to the SOTI MobiControl Deployment Server.
You can create Signal policies using complex nested logical expressions in a format similar to these examples:
  • [(A AND B AND C) OR (D AND E)]
  • [(A OR B OR C) AND (D OR E)]

See Signal Policy Examples for more detailed use cases for Signal.