Building Signal Policy Conditions

About this task

Review the following video and procedure to learn how to add conditions to your Signal policy.


  1. In the Conditions step of the Signal wizard, click Add Condition to build your first condition within your first condition group.
    1. Select a Category:
      • Managed Device: devices that are enrolled in SOTI MobiControl
      • Unmanaged Device: devices that are not enrolled in SOTI MobiControl, but are being tracked with Indoor Location (RTLS)
      • Management Server: properties and events related to the SOTI MobiControl Management Server
      • Deployment Server: properties and events related to the SOTI MobiControl Deployment Server
    2. Select a Type, which allows you to select condition Attributes based on:
      • Property: details of devices or servers such as Available Memory, Server Name, or Device Count (within a zone).
      • Event: details of common events in the daily operation of devices or servers such as SIM Card Inserted, or Deployment Server Stopped.
    3. If you selected Property and its Attribute, build the condition by selecting an Operator (such as Starts With or Is) and inputting the Value. For example, you could create a condition that monitors Managed Device, Available Memory, Less than 2 GB.
    4. Click Add. Your condition is added to the list of Conditions. If you built a Managed Device category condition, click Select Device Groups to choose at least one group to monitor.
  2. Repeat step 1 to add additional conditions as necessary. The Category for subsequent conditions is locked to the same Category as your first condition.
  3. If you have added more than one condition, you can change the conditions must be satisfied drop-down to:
    • ALL: All of the conditions listed must be evaluated to be true for the Signal Policy to trigger. This sets up an AND-style condition set. For example: (Device Battery < 10% AND Device Memory < 1 GB)
    • ANY: Any of the conditions listed must be evaluated to be true for the Signal Policy to trigger. This sets up an OR-style condition set. For example: (Device Battery < 10% OR Device Memory < 1 GB)
  4. Click New Group to add a new group of conditions that will work together with the conditions you have already added. Subsequent groups can feature different Categories.
  5. If you have added more than one Group, you can set the Grouped Conditions to Trigger Actions Must Include drop-down to ANY or ALL in a similar way as described in step 3. For example, if you have two condition groups :
    • Selecting ANY sets up an OR-style condition set between the condition groups: [(A AND B AND C) OR (D AND E)]
    • Selecting ALL sets up an AND-style condition set between the condition groups: [(A OR B OR C) AND (D OR E)]
  6. Click Next to add Actions to your policy, as described in Adding Signal Policy Actions.