Creating APNS Configurations

About this task

You need to create an Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) configuration, which includes installing an APNS certificate to SOTI MobiControl, to enable APNS mechanism to enroll and manage Apple devices.

Note: There are two different procedures to install an APNS certificate: getting a new one from the Apple Push Certificates portal or using a certificate exported from a different instance of SOTI MobiControl.

Installing a New APNS Certificate

About this task

To create a new APNS configuration, which involves a new certificate (obtained from the Apple Push Certificates portal):


  1. Select Global Settings from the main menu.
  2. From the Settings tree on the left, select Apple > Apple Push Notification Service to open the Apple Push Notification Service page (see Apple Push Notification Service).
  3. Click Create to open the Create Configuration dialog box (see Create/Modify APNS Configuration).
  4. Click Download to download the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file to your computer. You'll use this to request the certificate from Apple.
  5. Open a new browser window and log into the Apple Push Certificate Portal using your Apple ID - see the Apple Push Certificate portal. Upload the CSR file you just got from SOTI MobiControl.
    You receive a certificate file .pem in return.
  6. In the Push Certificate field, enter the .pem certificate file. You can browse for this file or drag and drop it into the field.
  7. In the Apple ID field, enter the ID you've used at the Apple Push Certificates Portal, for future reference.
  8. Click Save.


You can now enroll your Apple devices.

APNS certificates are valid for one year. Always ensure you renew the certificate before the expiration date. If the certificate expires, all devices must be re-enrolled.

Installing an Exported APNS Certificate

About this task

To install an APNS certificate exported from a different instance of SOTI MobiControl:


  1. Select Global Settings from the main menu.
  2. From the Settings tree on the left, select Apple > Apple Push Notification Service to open the Apple Push Notification Service page (see Apple Push Notification Service).
  3. Click Create or Modify to open the Create Configuration dialog box (see Create/Modify APNS Configuration).
  4. In the Push Certificate field, enter the .pfx certificate file. You can browse for this file or drag and drop it into the field.
  5. In the Push Certificate Password field, enter the password associated with the .pfx certificate.
  6. In the Apple ID field, enter the ID you've used at the Apple Push Certificates Portal, for future reference.
  7. Click Save.


You can now enroll your Apple devices.

APNS certificates are valid for one year. Always ensure you renew the certificate before the expiration date. If the certificate expires, all devices must be re-enrolled.