Email Notifications

Select the conditions under which incident-related emails are sent to watchers.

Note: To send and receive emails through Office 365 integration, you need to configure, and obtain information from, Microsoft Exchange Server. For details, see Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server.


SLA Assignees are notified by email when tickets become overdue. Provide additional email addresses that should also receive these notifications.
Email Address
Email Turn on this toggle to send notifications when an email is sent from an incident.
Attachment Turn on this toggle to send notifications when an attachment is added to an incident.
Note Turn on this toggle to send notifications when a note is added to an incident.
Device Association Turn on this toggle to send notifications when a device is associated with an incident.
Remote Control Turn on this toggle to send notifications when a remote control session is initiated from an incident.
Status Turn on this toggle to send notifications when an incident's status is changed.
Ticket Update Turn on this toggle to send notifications when an incident is updated.
Ticket Delete Turn on this toggle to send notifications when an incident is deleted.
Device Capture Turn on this toggle to send notifications when a device capture is initiated from an incident.