Setting Up an FS Cluster

FS clustering provides failover support and support for multiple FS instances when using a load balancer. All the FS instances in a cluster use the same database and file storage, and synchronize when the configuration changes.


The following are the requirements to set up an FS cluster:

  • Use the same installer for all installation steps, and all SOTI Connect components.
  • Use the same SQL server database and database credentials for all FS instances in the cluster.
  • Use the same shared network location for all FS instances inside the cluster to store the FS files. Shared network location should have a 'raw' representation (starts with \\). See Setting Up a Shared Network Location for more information.
  • Set up a Load Balancer with a Cluster Hostname for the FS cluster and instance hostnames for each machine in the cluster.
  • Use the FS Cluster Hostname as the FQDN when generating HTTP certificates or requesting them from a certificate provider.