Migrating a Management Service

Before you begin

Take note of the following points before you begin your migration:
  • Your database must be migrated and a security access set up to complete these steps. Although migration of the SQL databases is not a built-in feature of SOTI Connect, you can migrate them yourself.
    Note: Ensure that all the databases (SotiConnectDeviceStateHistory, SotiConnectDeviceTypeDefinition, SotiConnectFileStoreService, SotiConnectLoggingService, and SotiConnectManagementServer) are migrated to the same server. Do not rename them.
  • See Migrating a File Store Service for File Store migration instructions.

About this task

This task describes moving SOTI Connect from one virtual machine (VM) to another. This procedure also applies when moving between physical devices.


  1. Update MS on the source VM to use the migrated Microsoft SQL Server database. Follow the steps in Connecting the Source MS to a Migrated Microsoft SQL Server Database.
  2. Install a failover instance on the target VM.
  3. If a non- SOTI Connect HTTPS certificate was explicitly defined when connecting to the migrated Microsoft SQL Server database, the certificate will not automatically bind to port 443. It must be bound manually.