Importing a File Sync Policy
Before you begin
- You must have an exported file sync policy configuration file.
- If the exported file sync policy file is password protected, you must have the password on hand.
- The SOTI MobiControl environment you are importing the file sync onto must be the same version as the environment you exported the file sync policy.
About this task
- From the SOTI MobiControl web console main menu, select .
- In the Policies screen, select New File Sync Policy.
In the Add File Sync Policy window, select
Import from file.
In the Import screen, drag the exported file sync, or
select Browse File to launch the File Explorer and select
the exported file sync configuration file.
In the Import screen, if the exported file sync
configuration file is password protected, enter the password. Select → to
continue with the next steps.
Note: When the exported file sync configuration file is not password protected then the import proceeds whether you entered a password or not.
Review any conflicts with importing file sync policies. You can choose to
continue importing as a copy or skip item.
- Copy: Copies and imports the content of the file sync (script and schedule) to the destination server.
- Skip: Skips importing the content of the file sync (script and schedule) to the destination server.
Note: When importing file sync policies, the server path field is intentionally omitted due to variations in the server paths across different servers. As a result, imported file sync policies are in a draft state and require editing to complete the server path field before assignment.
You have successfully imported the file sync policy(s).