Exporting a File Sync Policy

Before you begin

You must have a file sync policy created before exporting.

About this task

When moving SOTI MobiControl from one server to another, you can transfer one or more file sync policies by exporting from the original server and importing them into the new server. The steps below describe how to export file sync configurations:


  1. From the Main Menu navigate to Policies > File Sync.
  2. In the console, choose the file sync policies you want to export.
  3. Select at the bottom of the screen when exporting many polices or select and choose Export when selecting a single file sync policy.

    File Sync Export Window

  4. In the Export window screen, you can set a password for the file sync export. You require the password when importing the file sync policies into another SOTI MobiControl environment. Enter and confirm the password to export the file. If you do not want to password protect the export file, deselect Set one-time password and select Next.

    File Sync password screen

    Important: When password protecting the exported file sync configuration, the password complexity is the responsibility of the user.
  5. Optional: For each file sync, you can select the file sync contents to include within the exported configurations.
    File Sync Inclusions
  6. Select Export to finish exporting the file sync policy.
  7. The Success pop-up message displays and the exported file sync configuration file starts downloading to the browser's default download location.


You have successfully exported the file sync policy(s).