Advanced Configurations (macOS - App Store Licensed)

In the Advanced Configurations dialog box, you can specify advanced options for the application you are adding or editing.

App Details

Application Details A list of app details (read-only).

Installation Options

Deployment Type Select whether the application is a requirement.

If you select Suggested, the user can choose whether to install the application.

If you select Mandatory, the application installs automatically.

This section has the following controls:
  • Manage App Store License Account—Select to open the App Store License Management dialog box, where you can manage your App Store licenses (see App Store License Management).
  • Accounts—The App Store License account.
  • Purchased—The number of licenses purchased under the selected account (read-only).
  • Remaining—The number of licenses remaining under the selected account (read-only).

Managed App Config

Install as Managed The application installs as a managed application, allowing centralized control, such as over the version, installation, monitoring, revocation, and policies.
Convert existing application to managed

This option is only available if you selected Install as Managed(enabled by default).

The named application becomes managed if previously unmanaged.
Note: App conversion to managed is not supported for user-enrolled devices.
Allow install as un-managed Application

This option is only available if you selected Install as Managed (enabled by default).

Use this option to let the app also install on macOS devices that do not allow the application to install as managed.