Advanced Configurations (iOS - Enterprise)

In the Advanced Configurations dialog box, you can specify advanced options for the application you are adding or editing.

App Details

Application Details A list of app details (read-only).

Installation Options

Deployment Type Select whether the application is a requirement.

If you select Suggested, the user can choose whether to install the application.

If you select Mandatory, the application installs automatically.

Request Device to Install Application (Unsupervised Device Only) Specify a maximum number of times to prompt the user to install the application if the Deployment Type is Suggested and the device is unsupervised.
Maximum Installation Attempts If you enable Request Device to Install Application, enter the maximum installation attempts for the application.
Configuration URI Enter a URI used to configure the application after installing it on the device.
Provisioning Profiles Browse for a provisioning profile file.
Remove App when Device is Unenrolled When turned on, the app automatically uninstalls from the device when the device is unenrolled.
Prevent Application Data Back Up to iTunes and iCloud Blocks the app from uploading data to iTunes and iCloud.

Managed App Config

Application Configuration

You can enable various configuration settings on the application.

Enter a value in the fields of the configuration settings that you want to apply to the device. You can use real values or macros. The following macros are also supported:

Device identifier
Enrolled user domain
Enrolled user email
Enrolled user first name
Enrolled user principal name
Enrolled user username
Enrolled user last name
IP address
Device manufacturer
Device model
Device name
Phone number
Device platform
Hardware serial number
Update Devices that Have Already Been Configured Update previously configured devices.
Managed Associated Domains
This section lists domains associated with the app. This feature requires iOS 13 or later, and a managed app with the associated domain entitlement. It has the following controls:
  • Delete for each domain—Select to delete the domain.
  • Add (+)—Select to add a new domain to the list.

Update Options

Automatically Request Devices to Update App when App Policy is Updated with New Version Automatically request devices to update applications when newer versions appear in the app policy. The next device check-in triggers the request.

If you select this option and the option above, devices are requested to update applications to the policy's latest version. The policies update to require the latest version in the App Store.

Update App on Devices Select to push the update to all devices targeted by this app policy.
Note: This option is not supported for applications with device-based App Store licenses on devices running iOS versions before 10.3.