Creating a ChromeOS Enrollment Policy

About this task

Use this procedure to create a ChromeOS enrollment policy.


  1. From the main menu, select Policies > Enrollment. This action displays the Enrollment Policies view.
  2. Select New Enrollment Policy to launch the Enrollment Policy wizard.
  3. Below the Google platform icon, select the ChromeOS platform. This opens the General view.
  4. In the General view, provide a brief and descriptive name for the policy. This is especially important if you intend to create multiple enrollment policies. Select Next.
    Troubleshooting: If the Admin Email is unavailale, verify that a Chrome Enterprise Binding is configured. See Adding a Chrome Enterprise Binding to SOTI MobiControl for more details.
  5. In the Groups tab, select Add button to configure an acceptable IP address range.
    IP Range and Group Definition.
    Troubleshooting: In case you come across an error related to overlapping IP ranges, make sure to verify that there are no conflicting enrollment policies that use the same IP address range.
  6. From the Device Groups dropdown menu, select the destination device group.
    Selecting a Destination Device Group
  7. Select an IP address type (Internal or External), from the IP Type dropdown menu.
  8. Select Next to proceed to the Settings view.
  9. Select from the available settings, then select Finish.
    Configuring Settings
  10. The system creates the new enrollment policy and displays the Enrollment Policy Info page.
  11. Select Sync Devices to initate enrollment.
    Enrollment Policy Info Prompt


After synchronization, all ChromeOS devices within the specified IP address range appear on the Devices page.