Installing ERG for SOTI Hub or Email Exchange Server

Before you begin

This is the fourth step of setting up the Enterprise Resource Gateway (ERG). Complete the previous step, Generating ERG Installation Files.

About this task

You can install an ERG server for SOTI Hub or for Email Exchange using the same installer wizard.
Note: To install both SOTI Hub and Email Exchange, you need to run the installer twice. Install the SOTI Hub and Email Exchange ERGs on separate servers.

To install an ERG server, do the following steps:


  1. Download the installer file, HubExchangeERGInstaller.exe, from the SOTI MobiControl download page to your Windows Server machine.
  2. Right-click the installation file in Windows Explorer, then select Run as Administrator to open the SOTI Hub/Email Exchange Installer wizard (see ERG Installer).
  3. Select I agree to the license terms and conditions.
  4. Select Install on the Agreement screen (see The Agreement Screen).
  5. Follow the prompts in all the subsequent wizard screens:
    1. The Progress Screen
    2. The Welcome Screen
    3. The Website Screen
    4. The Details Screen
    5. The Summary Screen
    6. The FQDN Dialog
    7. The Finish Screen

What to do next

Proceed to the next step of setting up ERG, Configuring ERG.