Generating ERG Installation Files

Before you begin

This is the third step of setting up the Enterprise Resource Gateway (ERG). Complete the previous step, Configuring the SOTI MobiControl Root Certificate for the Enterprise Resource Gateway.


  1. In the SOTI MobiControl console, open the main menu and select Global Settings > MobiControl Services > Enterprise Resource Gateway.
  2. To download the Enterprise Resource Gateway file, select Download.
    Enterprise Resource Gateway Download option
    If you plan to install ERG on many servers, you must perform this step for each server. A unique client certificate generates for each instance of the ERG setup file. If you use the same setup file on many servers, only the first server is displayed in the SOTI MobiControl console.
  3. Copy the ERG setup file, EnterpriseResourceGateway.exe to the computer where you want to install ERG.

What to do next

Proceed to the next step of setting up ERG, Installing ERG for SOTI Hub or Email Exchange Server.