Checking Device Compliance

About this task

Compliance policies run at every device check in but you can run them at any time if you want to know the compliance status of a device immediately.


  1. Choose the scope of the compliance policy check.
    • To run the policy and check every assigned device: In the Policies > Compliance view, select the compliance policy's name to open its Compliance Policy Information panel. Select the Run icon at the top of the view. You can also right-click on the name of the compliance policy in the Compliance view and select > Run.
    • To check the compliance of a single device: From the main menu, select Devices > View Devices, then select the device's name to open its Device Information panel. Select the Compliance tab then the elipsis menu beside the policy that you want to run. Select > Run.
  2. Optional:
    Tip: If you run the compliance policy on all devices, you can see which ones are compliant and which are not. The Devices view offers several search options to help you check device compliance within your instance.
    In the Devices view, activate the search bar and enter "compliance" to see the relevant properties.
  3. Open a device's Device Information panel to view its compliance status. You can also check the Compliance tab to see if a compliance policy failed.
    A device is non-compliant if it fails one policy, even if it passes all other assigned policies.