Performing a Directory Enrollment by the User

Before you begin

This procedure requires the following:
  • The user must be a member of an LDAP group in a directory enrollment policy.
  • The user must use their email address from the LDAP group.
  • The user has the MDM server URL specified by the directory enrollment policy.
  • The user's Windows Modern device must be able to communicate with the SOTI MobiControl instance.

About this task

Perform all actions in this procedure on the user's Windows Modern device.


  1. On the device, open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the following URL, replacing <MDM server URL> with the MDM server URL value provided by your administrator.
    https://<MDM server URL>/mc/enroll/
  3. Follow the instructions on the web page.


SOTI MobiControl enrolled your device.