
Configure WiFi settings on your devices when:


Network Name The name of the network which the device should connect to. Also this is the name of the Wireless Policy.
Hidden Network Select whether the network is hidden or not.
Connection Type Select ESS if this is an infrastructure network. If this is an ad-hoc network then select IBSS.
Physical Network Type Select the 802.11 wireless protocol used by this network.
Connection Mode This value allows you to control whether the device should automatically connect to the wireless network or not. Selecting Auto will allow the device to automatically connect whenever this network is found. By selecting Manual, the device will connect to this wireless network only when the user selects the network.


Security Type This field defines the security protocol currently being used on the network. Selecting WEP, WPA Personal, WPA2 Personal, WPA Enterprise, or WPA2 Enterprise will then enable the other fields that are required for connecting to this network type.
Encryption Select the type of encryption that is used on this network.
Password Enter the password required to connect to this network.
Key Index Select which key index should be used to encrypt the wireless traffic.
Enable PMK Caching Selecting this option will enable Pairwise Master Key (PMK) caching.
PMK Cache Time to live This value is the time in minutes that the PMK cache will be kept for, after which the cache will expire.
PMK Cache Size Enter the maximum size in bytes that should be used to store the PMK cache.
Enable Pre Auth Mode Selecting this option will enable pre-authentication by the device.
Pre Auth Throttle This value is the number of pre-authentication attempts to try.
Protocols Select one of the authentication protocols supported on the target network: TLS or PEAP.
Authentication Select an SCEP template from the list.
Trust Use this section to define the trusted certificates and trusted server names for this connection.


Note: This section applies only to Windows Phone configurations.
Host Address If a proxy is required for access to the WiFi network, enter the URL and port number of the proxy.