Managing Rated Capacity

Override a device's rated battery capacity value to get more accurate readings and measurements for analysis. SOTI XSight can provide estimated rated capacity values for devices that are generally more accurate than those provided by the manufacturer (see Battery Status Dashboard). After deploying a device and allowing its characteristics to stabilize, use the estimated rated capacity value provided by SOTI XSight to override a manufacturer’s rated capacity value.

Accessing the Manage Rated Capacity Panel

  1. Log into the SOTI XSight web console as administrator.
  2. From the main menu, select Operational Intelligence.

    Operational Intelligence dashboard menu
  3. Open the main menu again.
  4. Select Manage Rated Capacity.

    Select Manage App Mappings

Adding a Rated Capacity Override

  1. In the Manage Rated Capacity panel, select the Add icon.

    Adding a rated capacity override

  2. In the Add New Rated Capacity for Device panel, enter values for Device Manufacturer, Device Model and Rated Capacity (mAh).

    Override the rated capacity

    Note: The Rated Capacity (mAh) value must not be lower that the estimated rated capacity reported in SOTI XSight.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Manage Rated Capacity panel, the newly added rated capacity value for the device appears.

    The newly added rated capacity override is displayed.

    Select Save to save your changes.

Deleting a Rated Capacity Override

  1. Follow steps 1 through 4 above in Accessing the Manage Rated Capacity Override.

  2. Hover over the row containing the rated capacity override you wish to delete.
  3. The Delete icon appears in the row. Select the Delete icon.

    Deleting a rated capacity override

  4. Confirm the deletion of the rated capacity override.

    Confirm the deletion of the rated capacity override

  5. In the Manage Rated Capacity panel, select Save to save your changes.