Shared Topics

Shared topics in SOTI XSight are custom topics that can be shared across multiple views or users, allowing for consistent monitoring and analysis across different teams or departments. Shared topics provide several capabilities, such as always being monitored, starting monitoring when configured, and restarting monitoring immediately when a device reboots. Historical data for shared topics is available in the Device Details dialog.

Note: Shared topic values are cached in device RAM. The amount of time that Shared topics are held in RAM is dictated by the Window Configuration.

To create, edit, and configure shared topics, access the SOTI XSight web console as an administrator, and navigate to Live View > Manage Shared Topics.

Some of the parameters that you can configure for share topics include:

  • Collection frequency
  • Significant changes of conditions
  • Units for the custom topic.

See the Manage Shared Topics section for more information.