Troubleshooting File Store Service

This section describes the File Store Service (FS)-related issues that may occur and how to troubleshoot them.

FS is Installed but Fails to Start due to Insufficient Windows Users' Permissions

The FS may not have access to one of the required resources, file location, or database. After you install the FS and start it, it starts with the default user credentials, that is, the 'Local System' account. This works in most cases; but may not be sufficient when:
  • Database connection uses Integrated Security rather than SQL Server credentials, or
  • The file location is set to a shared network location which is only shared with certain users
In such cases, to start the FS with a different set of credentials:
  1. Using Windows Services, locate SOTICONNECTFSS.
  2. Right-click the SOTICONNECTFSS and select Properties.
  3. In the Log On tab, select a user with the required permissions.

FS Stops Working

Note: Even though the FS is down, you still have access to the SQL Server with the FS database and files.
To recover the FS on the same machine:
  1. Uninstall the FS, but retain the database and files.
  2. Install the FS. See Installing FS with MS and Installing a Standalone FS for more information.
To install the FS on a different machine:
  1. Install the FS. Follow the instructions in Installing FS with MS and Installing a Standalone FS with the following exceptions.
  2. On the SOTI Connect Setup Wizard, select Custom.
  3. On the Select Components screen, select only File Store Service.
  4. On the Management Service configuration screen, enter the existing database location.
  5. On the File Store Service configuration screen, enter the existing FS file system location.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.