Troubleshooting SOTI Connect

This section provides information on how to troubleshoot SOTI Connect installation/ upgrade errors.

Services Fail to Start During the Installation Process

  • Symptoms:
    • The system encounters a "Cannot start service" error during installation.

      SOTI Connectservice not started

  • Troubleshooting steps:
    1. Stop any running antivirus programs.
    2. Re-run the SOTI Connect installer.

Unable to Access SATO Printer via Hostname when Using Device Registry

  • Symptoms:
    • IPv4 mode is static, with a specified static IP and a specified hostname. However, the printer is inaccessible by hostname.
  • Troubleshooting steps:
    • If the hostname is a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) hostname, set IPv4 mode to DHCP.
Restriction: Do not use static mode or static IP with a printer that uses a DHCP hostname. If you use static mode or static IP, the provided DHCP hostname cannot connect to the printer.

SOTI Connect becomes Slow or Unresponsive on Windows Virtual Machines

  • Symptoms:
    • The machine gradually becomes slow or unresponsive on a Windows VM that SOTI Connect is running on.
  • Troubleshooting steps:
    1. Reboot the Windows VM weekly.
    2. Keep Windows VM updated.
Tip: Windows operating systems do not always automatically release all resources, which can lead to gradual performance degradation in Windows virtual machines (VMs). To restore optimal performance, consider rebooting the VM periodically to reset resource allocation and utilization.

SOTI Connect Installation Fails during the Database Data Deletion step, Resulting in a Rollback Error

  • Symptoms:
    • During SOTI Connect installation's SQL connection step, selecting the database data deletion checkbox does not delete data and leads to a rollback error upon installation.
    • The following entries appear in the installer logs:
      2023-07-25 17:48:59,992 [ERROR] [ 8] Installer - Database migration failed and the
      installation/update cannot be continued. Please contact support for further assistance.
      2023-07-25 17:48:59,992 [ERROR] [ 8] Installer - Installation failed
      System.Exception: Database migration failed and the installation/update cannot be continued.
      Please contact support for further assistance.
  • Troubleshooting Steps:
    • Manually delete the SQL data and log files.
      1. Navigate to the Server Properties panel of the VM hosting SQL and select Database Settings (red box).
      2. Record the location of the data and the logs (blue boxes).

        The Database Settings tab shows the location of data and log files

      3. Navigate to the data and log directories and delete all files in those directories.
        Important: Delete only the file contents of the data and log folders, but do not delete the data and log folders themselves.

Unable to Connect SOTI Identity with SOTI Connect

  • Symptoms:
    • Affected versions: SOTI Connect 2024.0 and later.
    • While attempting to add SOTI Connect to a SOTI Identity tenant, the following errors occur:

      Error in SOTI Connect:

      SOTI Connect errors

      Error in SOTI Identity (v2024.0.1):

      SOTI Identity errors

  • Troubleshooting steps:
    1. SOTI Connect is already registered to an instance of SOTI Identity, and you are trying to register with another SOTI Identity tenant.
      • Locate the first connection and delete it from the SOTI Identity console.
    2. Check for certificate issues.
      • For example, an expired or invalid GoDaddy certificate on the SOTI Connect MS server.
    3. Check for the wrong Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in the SOTI Connect installation.
      • For example, "SotiConnect20" instead of "".
        Note: The FQDN is passed to SOTI Identity and SOTI Identity uses it to call back to SOTI Connect. If the FQDN is wrong, SOTI Identity cannot reach SOTI Connect.

Database Migration Fail: 2024.0 to 2024.1.0.7405

  • Symptoms:
    • Affected versions: SOTI Connect 2024.0 and later
    • Upgrading from SOTI Connect 2024.0 to 2024.1.0.7405 may have an edge case that will fail database migration and cause a rollback.

      SOTI Connect upgrade error

  • Troubleshooting steps:
    To ensure a successful update, run the following SQL script to prepare the database before updating SOTI Connect.
    use SotiConnectManagementServer
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#removeJsonMetadata') IS NOT NULL
    	DROP PROCEDURE #removeJsonMetadata
    CREATE PROCEDURE #removeJsonMetadata
    @JsonText nvarchar(max),
    @Result nvarchar(max) OUTPUT
    	declare @idBegin int = 0;
    	declare @idEnd int = 0;
    	select @idBegin = CHARINDEX('"$id":"', @JsonText, @idBegin)
    	WHILE @idBegin > 0
    		select @idEnd = @idBegin +  LEN('"$id":"')
    		select @idEnd = CHARINDEX('"', @JsonText, @idEnd)
    		select @idEnd = case when SUBSTRING(@JsonText, @idEnd + 1, 1) = ',' then @idEnd + 2 else @idEnd + 1 end
    		select @JsonText = REPLACE(@JsonText, SUBSTRING(@JsonText, @idBegin, @idEnd - @idBegin), '');
    		select @idBegin = CHARINDEX('"$id":"', @JsonText, @idBegin)
    	select @Result = @JsonText
    declare @JsonText nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR
      SELECT RuleJson
      FROM   [SotiConnectManagementServer].[dbo].[Rules]
    OPEN employee_cursor;
    FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor INTO @JsonText
    	  exec #removeJsonMetadata @JsonText, @JsonText output
          UPDATE [SotiConnectManagementServer].[dbo].[Rules]
          SET    RuleJson = @JsonText
          WHERE  CURRENT OF employee_cursor;
          FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor INTO @JsonText
    CLOSE employee_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE employee_cursor;