Adding a New Protocol Adapter (PA) to Form a Cluster

Before you begin

The following must be in place before you can set up a Protocol Adapter (PA) cluster:

  • Management Service (MS) is installed
  • Client ID and Client Secret security access credentials
  • User account with administrative permissions
  • Server without an installed MQTT PA, MQTT RPC PA (server requires network access to the MS and the MQTT broker)
  • At least one MQTT PA or MQTT RPC PA already present in the SOTI Connect system

About this task

This process describes how to add a new protocol adapter to an existing one to form a PA cluster.

Note: The first PA in a cluster is always installed as standalone. Subsequent PAs of the same type in the cluster will be installed as Part of a Cluster.


  1. Run SOTI Connect Installer.exe. The SOTI Connect Setup Wizard is displayed. When prompted, confirm that you want to allow the installer to make changes to your system.
  2. Select Install Connect components, then select Next. The Installation Type window is displayed.
    Install SOTI Connect components
  3. Select Custom, then select Next. The Select Components window is displayed.
  4. Select Protocol Adapter: Mqtt or Protocol Adapter: Mqtt RPC, then select Next. The Management Service Root Certificate window is displayed.
    Important: Options for Management Service, Logging Service, and File Store Service should be cleared as these were installed when the MS was established.
    Setup Wizard Components Screen
  5. Choose Import root certificate from file, and select Browse and navigate to the root certificate. Add the Certificate Password, then select Next. The Configure MQTT Protocol Adapter window is displayed.
    Setup Wizard Communication Certificates
    Note: Optionally, you can download the root certificate from the SOTI Connect Web Console's main menu. Navigate to Administration > Certificates Management > Download Root Certificate.
  6. Select Part of a Cluster. Complete the rest of the fields on this window (the Network Address of Management Service (MS) and Logging Service, the Client ID and Client Secret, and the Username and Password of a user with administrative permissions). Note that you must have created at least one security access. See Providing Security Access.
    Install PA Cluster
  7. Select Test Connection. If the test is unsuccessful, check the following:
    • Check that the Client ID and Client Secret are entered correctly.
    • From this location, open the SOTI Connect web page. Sign in with the Username and Password used above. Ignore possible warning messages about the root certificate. It will become trusted during the installation.
    • Sign out on the web page and sign back in. Check that the EULA is accepted.
    Important: A user with administrator privileges must accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and must do so whether using a local account or an IDP.
  8. Select Next. The Configure MQTT Protocol Adapter Cluster window is displayed.
  9. Select an existing PA or PA cluster with which you want to form a cluster, then select Next. The installer connects to the MS and requests MQTT broker connection details. Once completed, the Root Folder window is displayed.
    Select PA for Cluster
  10. Select the folder where you want the PA installed. Select Next, then Install to complete the process.


The new cluster is displayed on the System Architecture table (System Management), as shown in this example:

Cluster examples