The Services Tab | Managing Windows Services

Before you begin

To manage services from the Services tab, users must have the following permissions:
  • General Permission: Configure device/device group.

  • Device Group Permission: Manage services.

About this task

Use the Services tab in SOTI MobiControl to monitor and manage Windows services on individual Windows Modern devices.
Tip: To manage Windows services on a group of Windows Modern devices, see Managing Windows Services | Group Device Action.


  1. On the SOTI MobiControl console, select a Windows Modern device to view its device information panel.
  2. Navigate to the Services tab.
    The Services Tab
  3. Manually refresh the list using the Sync Services button to verify the accuracy of your data.
    Synchronizing services in the SOTI MobiControl console.
    Important: The list is not updated during each device check-in. Every device must sync at least once to display service data. Syncing does not affect groups higher in the hierarchy.
    Services data appears in the following columns:
    Tip: Select the arrows next to a column name to sort the list, or use the search bar to find a specific service.
    • Name: The user-friendly display name of the service.
    • Service Name: The official Windows service name.
      Note: SOTI MobiControl truncates some service names for readability. Make sure no third-party services have similar names to prevent unintended actions.
    • Status: The current status of the service on the device.
  4. Select (more) next to a service and run an action from the following available actions.
    • Restart: Restart the service.
    • Start: Start the service if it is not running.
    • End: Stop the service.
    Note: Available actions depend on the current status of the service. Users cannot start disabled services from the SOTI MobiControl web console. Additionally, event logs are not generated for the restart action.