The Hardware Tab

Administrators can use SOTI MobiControl to detect when a hardware component is removed or changed on a Windows Modern device. This section explains how to acknowledge or reject component changes. To access this information, select a Windows Modern device in the web console, and then select the Hardware tab to view hardware components and peripherals.

Note: The Hardware tab is only available for the Windows Modern platform.
The Hardware tab in a Windows Modern device's information panel.
In the Hardware tab, there are two sections:
In the Hardware tab, administrators can acknowledge or reject components by selecting the 3-dot menu. The following options are available when a component is added/removed:
  • Acknowledge
  • Reject
This section lists details regarding the components and includes the following information:
  • Component
  • Status
  • Name
  • Manufacturer
  • Serial Number
Peripherals In the Peripherals tab, administrators can view the connected devices.
This section includes information on the following:
  • Name
  • State
  • Manufacturer
  • Version