Extensible Single Sign-On (SSO) | iOS/ Shared iPad User

About this task

Use the Extensible Single Sign-on (SSO) profile configuration for app extensions that perform single sign-on for compatible iOS apps on iOS and Shared iPad devices.
Important: The target iOS devices must be running iOS 13.0 or later.


  1. Create/ edit a Reactive iOS/ Shared iPad User profile and add the Extensible SSO configuration from the Security & Restrictions configurations list.
    Note: Shared iPad Users select the Extensible Single Sign On configuration instead.
    Selecting the Extensible SSO profile configuration in a Reactive iOS profile.
  2. Enter the bundle identifier of the app extension that performs single sign-on for the specified URLs.
  3. Select the single sign-on type. Choose between:
    • Redirect
    • Credential.
    Note: Choose Redirect when configuring SSO with SOTI Identity.
  4. If you select Credential as the SSO type, enter the required associated Kerberos Realm.
  5. If you select Redirect as the SSO type, select to add URL prefixes of identity providers where the app extension performs single sign-on.
  6. If you select Credential as the SSO type, select in the Add Host Names section to add host or domain names to authenticate through the app extension.
  7. Optional: Use the Extension Data field to add data you want to pass through to the app extension as a plist-formatted dictionary.
    Note: The data must begin and end with <dict> tags.


  8. Save the configuration and assign the profile to your target devices.


You have successfully configured an Extensible SSO profile for your devices. The profile is now visible in the Profiles view.