Adding Files and Folders to Content Library


  1. From SOTI MobiControl, select Main Menu > System Settings > Content Library. The Content Library interface opens.
  2. From the top right, select the button to either Upload documents and folders (See ① of diagram) or Create new folder (See ② of diagram).
    File/Folder Tasks in Content Library
  3. From the available tasks, follow the respective corresponding procedures:
    Task Procedure
    Upload documents and folders
    1. From the Upload tab, perform the following:
      1. From the Upload location dropdown menu, select a folder. The selected folder is where SOTI MobiControl uploads the incoming file.
      2. Select Browse Files to choose a file to upload. Alternatively, select then Browse to choose a file, then Import to upload the chosen file.
      3. Once you added a file, you can rename it and / or give a description. You can also delete () the file if you wish to add a different one.
      4. Repeat the previous 2 steps to add as many more files as needed.
      5. Optional: For categories, select to associate at least one category to the files you have added. You can select Manage Categories to add a new category, edit/delete an existing category.
        Tip: When you associate a Category to a file, it makes the file easier to search for later. Furthermore, once you proceed to distribute your files to your devices using a (SOTI Hub Content Repository for iOS, SOTI Hub Content Repository for Android) profile configuration, you can use a Category to restrict files to distribute.
      6. Repeat the previous step to attach as many categories to the files you have added.
    2. Optional: Switch to the Advanced Configurations tab.
      1. Choose an Effective date to set a date for when the file selection goes into effect.
      2. Choose an Expiry date to set a date for when the file selection expires.
        • Files with expiration dates are unavailable to device users after the date passes.
        • You can only choose an expiry day that's at least one day after the chosen Effective date.
    3. Select Upload.
    Create new folder
    1. From the Folder location dropdown menu, choose a folder.
    2. For the Folder name field, enter a name for the new folder.