Planning Your SOTI MobiControl Installation

A basic installation of SOTI MobiControl has all four of its components (database, deployment server, management service and SOTI Search) installed on the same server. However, you can arrange SOTI MobiControl components in a manner that best suits your current and future device management needs.

Although you can change your SOTI MobiControl server configuration at any point, planning your arrangement from the start can reduce time and effort later.

Due to the variety of ways you can use SOTI MobiControl, it is difficult to set strict guidelines on when to swap out or extend components of your system. Some general recommendations are:

  • For 500+ devices, install a more robust version of Microsoft SQL Server or move it to its own server, or both.
  • For 10000+ devices and under high resource demand, consider adding another deployment server to balance the load.
Note: When to add a new deployment server depends on your specific SOTI MobiControl usage. Device number is not the sole factor. Static deployments with minimal fluctuation can function well with a single deployment server, while other deployments benefit from many deployment servers with fewer devices. If you plan to manage more than 10000 devices and your SOTI MobiControl activities are resource intensive, consider deploying a second server.

How often will you request information or updates from devices? The greater the number of devices that contact the deployment server simultaneously, the more it stresses the deployment server. Consider arranging your devices specifically to reduce this stress. To do this, create device groups that have similar numbers of devices. To ensure smooth operation, stagger the check-in times for each device group so that one group finishes its check-in before the next group starts. Begin with 10-15 minutes, though you may need to adjust the frequency depending on how many devices you have. For example, assume you have eight device groups and you stagger the start time of each group by 15 minutes. After two hours, group eight finishes its check-in and the cycle begins again. If you need more frequent check-ins with tasks performed during those check-ins, many deployment servers can improve performance and ease the stress on the deployment server.

How often will you make changes to devices and their configurations? If you take a more passive approach to device management, you may require less processing power. For example, applying settings and configurations infrequently, not moving devices between groups often, and deploying minimal software packages. However, if you are executing heavy operations, you should consider adding another deployment server. For example, adding or removing settings, moving devices between groups, and synchronizing data (files, status updates, software) between the server and devices.

Can you stagger SOTI MobiControl operations? Running many SOTI MobiControl operations concurrently on more than one device can strain the deployment server. Schedule tasks so that you do not perform several heavy operations at once. Consider reducing stress on the deployment server by running reports, software deployments and scheduled maintenances at a different times. If you require constant availability of all services, you likely need another deployment server.

How much data will you retrieve from devices and how often? You can collect data on many data points in SOTI MobiControl, from location data to WiFi Signal Strength. Given the wide range of options, the database can quickly accumulate large amounts of data. If you expect frequent database queries, consider relocating it to a separate server.

How often will you archive data? If you often archive your data, a single-server SOTI MobiControl system may suffice for a time. However, be cautious with data truncation schedules exceeding more than six months, as they may impact performance.

How many people will have access to SOTI MobiControl? Differing approaches to performing tasks can lead to conflicts. Make sure you provide clear guidance to your SOTI MobiControl technicians about when and how to perform certain tasks. Additionally, be aware that many simultaneous users can also affect performance.

Finally, how much time and effort can you devote to the maintenance of SOTI MobiControl? Even with clear guidelines for SOTI MobiControl administrators, conflicting or redundant device policies will crop up over time as administrators change, devices retire, and company goals evolve.

If you lack the time or resources to review your SOTI MobiControl system for inefficiencies on a regular basis, you can plan for excess capacity to mitigate the issue.

Tip: For large or complex installations, consider contacting the SOTI Professional Services team for guidance.